Judy Collins

Judy Collins
Judy Collins
November 13, 2024   7:30 PM   10:30 PM
Music Events
225 South Main Street, Memphis, Tennessee, 38103, United States Of America
See More Events in Memphis , TN
Price Range
$75.00 - $85.00
Join us on Wednesday, November 13th at 7:30pm for An Evening with Judy Collins at the Halloran Centre Theatre. Legendary Grammy Award-winning singer-songwriter Judy Collins has inspired audiences with sublime vocals, boldly vulnerable songwriting, personal life triumphs, and a firm commitment to social activism. In the 1960s, she evoked both the idealism and steely determination of a generation united against social and environmental injustices. Five decades later, her luminescent presence shines brightly as new generations bask in the glow of her iconic 50-album body of work, and heed inspiration from her spiritual discipline to thrive in the music industry for half a century. With hits like "Both Sides Now" "Send in the Clowns," and "Someday Soon," Collins has left an indelible mark on the world of music for six decades. Her landmark 1967 album, Wildflowers, has been entered into the Grammy Hall of Fame.
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