MET: Live in HD Les Contes D'Hoffmann (Offenbach)

MET: Live in HD Les Contes D'Hoffmann (Offenbach)
MET: Live in HD Les Contes D'Hoffmann (Offenbach)
October 05, 2024   1:00 PM   4:00 PM
Music Events
35 Market Street, Poughkeepsie, New York, 12601, United States Of America
See More Events in Poughkeepsie , NY
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Price Range
$30.00 - $30.00
MET HD LES CONTES D HOFFMANN (OFFENBACH) Offenbachs fantastical opera kicks off the Metropolitan Operas season of Live in HD performance transmissions starring French tenor Benjamin Bernheim in the title role of the tormented poet. Joining Bernheim is American soprano Erin Morley as Olympia South African soprano Pretty Yende as Antonia, and French mezzo soprano Clémentine Margaine as Giulietta to complete Hoffmanns trio of lovers. Marco Armiliato conducts Bartlett Shers evocative production which also features American bass baritone Christian Van Horn as the Four Villains and Russian mezzo soprano Vasilisa Berzhanskaya in her company debut as Nicklausse. Ticket holders are invited to a pre-opera talk by Leslie Gerber 30 minutes prior to curtain time in the theater.
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