Tamia & Joe

Tamia & Joe
Tamia & Joe
November 15, 2024   8:00 PM   11:00 PM
Music Events
6801 Franklin Ave, New Orleans, Louisiana, 70122, United States Of America
See More Events in New Orleans , LA
Not Available
Not Available
Price Range
$59.00 - $250.00
Please note that everyone must have a valid ticket to enter the venue. By purchasing tickets to this event you agree to abide by entry requirements in effect at the time of the event. Check the venue website prior to attending as requirements are subject to change. Ticket delivery is mobile only. Please remember to access your mobile tickets via your Ticketmaster account and save to your phone wallet prior to attending the event. If you cannot access your tickets please note that only the valid accountholder can pick up tickets at the Box Office with photo ID. The nature of a live concert will vary by performance. Live performances may contain adult content, including potentially offensive adult language. The University of New Orleans and Lakefront Arena expressly disclaim responsibility for the content of this live performance.
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