Samara Joy

Samara Joy
Samara Joy
October 27, 2024   7:00 PM   10:00 PM
Music Events
220 St. Louis Street, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 70802, United States Of America
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Price Range
$39.75 - $99.75
With three GRAMMY wins and a chart-topping debut album already under her belt, 24-year-old Samara Joy makes her case to join the likes of Sarah, Ella, and Billie as the next mononymous jazz singing sensation recorded by the venerable Verve Records. Her voice, rich and velvety yet precociously refined, has already earned her fans like Anita Baker and Regina King and appearances on the TODAY Show, The Tonight Show w/Jimmy Fallon, The Late Show w/Stephen Colbert, CBS Mornings, Kelly Clarkson, Jennifer Hudson, and more, in addition to millions of likes on TikTok, securing her status as perhaps the first Gen Z jazz vocal star. The New York Times praised the silky-voiced rising star for helping jazz take a youthful turn while NPR All Things Considered named her a classic jazz singer from a new generation.
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